
Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Dinner Time!!!! From the last week, dinner is that time when I have to put on my thinking cap because I owe my readers a good post the next day J.
It’s month end and my kitchen cupboards are almost washed all I had was a bunch of spinach, some eggs..n a few other not so interesting stuff...nothing to combine....I wanted to try something not spicy today...which was going to be harder because I simply adore my rack of spices. So finally fishing around, I found a can of fava beans (broad beans)...personally, I am not a big fan of those. But today, I decided they are going to serve my dinner.  And they did not disappoint me one bit.....Mmmmm am still salivating...hehehe....
Fava bean is stapled Arabic food. It’s used to make a dish called “Ful Medames that has olive oil, onion, garlic and parsley. Well, here we are using olive oil and garlic for cooking because it gives an absolutely mind blowing smell to the food.
This recipe was created in MJ’s Kitchen, for healthy and deliciousssss eating! Cheers!!!!

Ingredients: (serves 4)
Fava beans/ Broad beans- 1 can
Chick peas- ¼ can
Spinach - 1 freshly chopped bunch
Eggs - 2 hard boiled
Garlic - 7 or 8 cloves
Green chillies (optional) - 3 slit open (for those who like it hot)
Olive oil - 2 tablespoon


1.       Heat olive oil in a pan
2.       Add garlic and chillies, sauté till garlicy aroma lingers.
3.       Then add the spinach and cook with lid on till spinach shrinks.
4.       Now throw in the fava beans and chick peas. Mash it well.
5.       Cook for sometime till water content from canned items reduces to minimum.
6.       Now crush the egg yolk and sprinkle it in.
7.       Last dice the egg white and add.
8.       Finally check the salt and adjust.
9.       Serve hot, hot, hot with pita bread!!!

Tips n Tricks:
·         Boil eggs in a teaspoonful salted water. So your eggs won’t break.
·         Soak boiled egg in cold water for 20mins before removing the shell and you will get perfect hardboiled eggs.


  1. What a lovely recipe...and great photo :)

  2. hey...thanx for all those lovely try some of the recipes and let me know how they came out =)

  3. That does look really good. I love eggs and spinach anyhow and think the combination would be outstanding with fava beans.

  4. then u shud definitely try this! =)


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