
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Travelling Tuesday from the Black forest

So guys, where do you think I have been all these days.....well, a few things coming your way soon while I enjoy my little vacation starting in the black forest- Germany....Here are a few pics of what i did and what I ate on my first laptop is gone to the service center and they need to replace the hard disk it seems...they don't have one in stock and its going to take 2 weeks (Sigh!!) So I am still using darling Aj's.

I'll talk more about all these pics once I get back home....leaving you with these now......

Out of the balcony in our cozy little hotel when we checked in......

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Deep FRIEDay –Béchamel Bags with chicken and mushrooms!

Hey world….it’s been a horrible day!!! My 5 months old laptop crashed (the one, we call by a fruit’s name) Argh! How much I paid for that piece of metal….Now, I have to wait till Sunday to send it off to the service center…..Lost all my recent food photos L coz I didnt back up since 2 weeks! But, then since its fried-day today and a few pics(not the best of them!!) from this post were safe in my inbox, you get a post from me…..and of course, thanks to Aj for his laptop.

Well, having vented my anger….here’s what I did today to satisfy the craving of a Friday-fried-food-freak J . Imagine a spoonful of gooey buttery oozing béchamel with chicken, red peppers and roasted mushrooms….all I did was scoop them wrap them and fry them….lol…yes, I fried béchamel….and its soooooo good….absolute sinful pleasure!!

I had done a demo of how to wrap it up but lost all that in the computer crash….all I managed to get was these few photos….if I make them again soon, I’ll update the pictures for how-to-make-bags!

Monday, October 8, 2012

CHICKEN & MANGO BLOOMERS – some pink thoughts with the ultimate chicken sandwich!!!

If the title of this post made you think…eeeww…who would have a chicken and mango in a sandwich! Think again….this one is a killer…super addictive…try it and tell me if you didn’t like it - I’ll take this post off my blog J

Where did I eat my first Chicken and Mango sandwich…well, have you ever tried the chicken and mango bloomer sandwich from costa coffee??? It’s an absolutely wonderful combination of flavours. We love this one at home…all of us- me, hubby n baby J Then, I don’t have to tell you why I tried to recreate it!

Now, to a little more serious issue before we talk more about our sandwich
October being the breast cancer awareness month, I too, would like to do my bit. So starting today, for couple of weeks, I’ll be sharing a few facts about this form of cancer under this section. Today, we’ll talk about the risk factors of developing breast cancer.

When is a person more prone to breast cancer?
·       Women are 100 times more prone to this form of cancer BUT men are also diagnosed with it. They stand poorer chances of survival due to late diagnosis.
·       Ageing- as one grows older the risk of being infected increases
·       Lifestyle- tobacco, alcohol and obesity – excess of any or all increase chances by 30-35%
·       Not having children or having kids extremely late in life.
·       Choosing not to breastfeed your children.
·       Genetic factor- having a history of cancer in the family
·       Exposure to any form of hazardous radiation
·       Any kind of hormone replacement treatment
·       Regular intake Oral contraceptives are also said to increase the risk of breast cancer.

Take care girls!! J

Thursday, October 4, 2012


I have wanted to write about this particular drink since couple of months. (Delayed because I was away from blogging and took my pictures only today J).

The Amla or Indian Gooseberry (Scientific Name: Phyllanthus emblica) is one of the most researched about plant due to its highly commendable medicinal properties.

This fruit and its plant (tree actually) are scientifically proven to be effective in cancer treatment, reducing diabetics, cholesterol and even age-related diseases like arthritis. So, it isn’t surprising that Amla has been used in the age-old practise of Ayurveda for healing the body. The amla is popularly used for hair oil and also used in various herbal toothpastes.

Amla has the most unique taste ever. It’s sour when you bite, bitter when chewing and leaves a very sweet taste in mouth after you swallow it…the sweetness lingers for quite sometime...In Malayalam, its called Nellikka.